Thursday, February 25, 2016

My Norwex Optic Cloth Review (eyeglasses, computer screens, cell phones, tablets......)

Maybe it’s just me, but this is one item I originally overlooked because its name made me think that it was just for glasses.  Well, it’s certainly not, and this tiny little cloth has been proven to be VERY useful.  Turns out, you can safely use it to clean TV and computer screens, tablet and cell phones, sunglasses, CDs, DVDs, and more.  See you later, fingerprints and smudges! 

What makes it special?  The microfiber in this cloth is very tightly woven, not allowing it to pick up dust and other tiny particles that can scratch your screens/lenses/etc.  Bonus points for being lint free.

And here is something you may have not thought of.  Your cell phone is really, really germy.  If you think about it, you touch it a lot, many times a day. Then you put it against your face.   Who makes sure their hands are clean every time you pick up your phone?  Nobody.  So now there is a safe way to wipe them down, and clean your screen. 
You can see the Optic Cloth here.

1 comment:

  1. Why cant this be used on anti reflective lenses? Most eye glasses are anti reflective.
